I know all too well that getting on social media and reading news is bad for my emotional health, especially during this time of year. As we are dealing with a pandemic, a presidential election, a racial justice movement, and an uncertain economy with most people locked up in their homes, the negative energy is palpable.
But today my dopamine center was calling to me, “just for 10 minutes, let’s see what’s going on around the world.” Of course, 20 minutes later, I was angry, irritated by another angry person who posted biased and hateful political content to the social media group. Subsequently, I was gloomy because the COVID-19 cases jumped fivefold in just two weeks in my state.
Now I got a big emotional upheaval, thanks to those 20 minutes of negative experience.
Suddenly I recalled a short video taught by Judy Satori, an energy healer and spiritual teacher. The technique focused on the quick release of emotional upset or fear that we caught in the moment. Here is how it went:
- I put my left hand on solar plexus chakra, above the navel and below the diaphragm, and my right hand on top of the chest, just below the clavicle.
- I deliberately magnified the feeling that really upset me. I made the feeling as strong as I could, then intensified the feeling so I could deal with it and remove it.
- I said out loud to myself, “This feeling of hatred and anger does not belong to me. It is not mine. I dissolve it with love, now and forever. Amen.”
- I allowed the power of love from my heart to flow through the feeling and dissolve it with love.
Of course, I felt the heavy energy leaving me and I felt lighter immediately. I am grateful that I stopped the chain of negativity that I was caught in, without passing on to anyone, and without trapping it into my own body. Perhaps you can try it next time when you want to release a heightened emotion.